Having Scorpio rising? Does this cause people to be aggressive towards you?!

Question: Scorpio rising here. We don't offer our life on a platter, which causes some people to resent us. These types are not even worth your time. Others will realize that you are a real and trustworthy person, and will respect you for that. I personally find people that offer too much, to be a bit shady.

I've heard as you evolve, either your sun/rising becomes more dominant in your life, and your moon subdues. Although you're a Gem sun, you have depth like a Scorpio.

Is your North Node, by chance, in Scorpio? Or do you have Scorpio in 8th, or some other strong Mars/Pluto/Scorpio connection? Your Gem traits are also obvious.

Answers: Scorpio rising here. We don't offer our life on a platter, which causes some people to resent us. These types are not even worth your time. Others will realize that you are a real and trustworthy person, and will respect you for that. I personally find people that offer too much, to be a bit shady.

I've heard as you evolve, either your sun/rising becomes more dominant in your life, and your moon subdues. Although you're a Gem sun, you have depth like a Scorpio.

Is your North Node, by chance, in Scorpio? Or do you have Scorpio in 8th, or some other strong Mars/Pluto/Scorpio connection? Your Gem traits are also obvious.

The reason for this is your Pluto in the first house. I have it, too. Also, George W. Bush has it. With pluto in our first, we find it hard to take control of our destiny, and we might feel a little inferior because of that Report It

lacubanita75's Avatar lacubani...
At least for me, I know people can pick on me and be aggressive towards me because I am not assertive or even just "aggressive" enough myself....so that means that they can be. We attract it, and what it means, if you're attracting that, is that you have you have to stop neglecting your own power Report It

lacubanita75's Avatar lacubani...
or else people are gonna keep using that against your benefit Report It

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  • I do and maybe.

    No it doesnt. However, the nose is the most prominent feature of the Scorpio; it's large and hooked, resembling the bill of the eagle, the brows are bushy, the eyes sharp and piercing; the jaw is very heavy; the glint of the eye, and the set of the jaw indicate the great determination which is the most prominent characteristic of the Scorpio. The face is angular, complexion murky, and hair dark, with a peculiar ruddy tinge noticeable when the sun shines on it. The teeth are large and subject to early decay. The body is short and thickest, with a short, thick neck resembling that of the opposite sign, Taurus.

    Scorpio people always stand up for their rights, and never submit to imposition, through prone to ride roughshod over others. They are full of worries over things that may happen, but never do, and thus make life a burden to those around them. Sarcasm that stings like a scorpion is ever upon the tip of their tongue, yet their love is strong, and their aspirations lofty. Thus there are two natures struggling in the Scorpios and they need much sympathy and forbearance from their friends. In the hour of danger they never flinch, but perform deeds of heroism with a disregard for self that amounts to foolhardiness. The mind is sharp, cool and collected, therefore Scorpio men make good army officers and excel in surgery. The Scorpio woman has a large family.

    The Sun in Scorpio accentuates the good traits, and gives a love mysticism; but Mars, the ruler, brings out the worldly side of the sign and makes scoffers and skeptics.

    Ascendant rules the personality - what you are on the outside. I suspect it's the vibe you put out and the way you react to others that makes you think people are being aggressive towards you.

    Instead of being aggressive back, try defusing the situation and surprising them by being friendly.

    I wonder if it doesn't have more to do with your mars placement. Is your mars adversely aspected?

    hey, lookee here. i'm online!

    I have a Scorpio rising and I don't feel that people are aggressive towards me. I feel like certain types of people that lack character tend to stay away from me. It's almost like on an unconscious level they sense I am intuitive. That could be my Pisces sun, I suppose.

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