More info plz on the zodiac sign Virgo?!

Question: i would just like to know about it and it's background. thanks!

Answers: i would just like to know about it and it's background. thanks!

All Virgos are born between August 24 and September 23

Virgos, when they are on their best behavior (which is frequently), are discriminating, mannerly, practical, tasteful, helpful, analytical, learned, thoughtful and kind.

But when Virgos start to feel uneasy about themselves, they can quickly become self-important, pedantic, picky, snooty, negative, dissatisfied and perfectionist in the extreme.

Upon first knowing a Virgo, one imagines that nothing can ever be good enough for them. Offer a Virgo the Moon and he will want it to be polished bright and clean before use. Give a Virgo some foie gras and he will want to know its age and origins before he will so much as sniff a tiny tidbit. Make her a dress and she wants it taken in here and crimped there and hitched up around the bosom before she will dream of even trying it on. It's maddening. Virgos cannot accept anything on face value. They are discriminating to a fault.

But, as with all the other signs, there is a purpose behind Virgo's finicky behavior. The Virgo-born's raison d'être or principal driving reason to exist is to attain a state of exactitude and achieve purity of mind. In the western zodiac, Virgo comes right after the noisy, sun-ruled, self-aggrandizing Leo. The world needs a break from all that Leonine celebration and brouhaha. So along comes September's sedate Virgo, the subtler, self-analytical, precision-mad sign of scrutiny and probity, the auditor of occidental astrology whose role is to examine the remains and beckon us toward virtue.

Most Virgos are methodical and organized. They run their own lives and the lives of those close to them as efficiently as a couple of nuclear power plants. They do their jobs well and take direction seriously. They love to learn and suss out new ways of performing routine tasks. They also enjoy teaching and revel in showing off their expert methods to others. Virgos also need to shine (but not too brightly) in the eyes of those they admire and are ever so careful not to impinge on the private territory of neighbors and relatives.

On the surface then, the average Virgo born person is your workaday solid citizen type who gets on with his or her business in an effective manner. Their homes are tastefully decorated. Their cars are spanking clean. Their nails are done, their teeth are white, their couch cushions are plumped and their well-groomed pedigreed dog doesn't snarl or eat your pants leg.

Underneath this highly polished virgin exterior however, lurks an anxious, troubled soul whose sole aim in life is to come to a beatific state of self-knowledge and spiritual peace which, because life is like that, persistently eludes them.

Some accuse Virgos of being hyper critical. And it's true that Virgos characteristically pick holes in the behavior of others. Truth is, they can't help themselves. Everything and everybody they come into contact with serves as a mirror for their own imagined shortcomings. We all know that nobody is perfect. But Virgos wish that wasn't so and dream of being able to somehow right the world so it could be more logical, more structured, systematized and less chaotic. This endless (fruitless) pattern of longing for the impossible and spending of excessive mental energy thirsting after propriety could cause anybody to pick holes in an employee's sloppy filing methods or tsk tsk at a husband who doesn't close cupboard doors or chide a kid who leaves his sneakers lying on the steps. Thus Virgos are not just perceived as "bossy" and "picky" and "hypercritical", they often are all three.

The saving grace with Virgos is their devotion to service. Virgos really do live to help. They willingly make themselves available and useful to others. You will always find Virgos among active community leaders, involved in recruiting volunteers, heading up church groups and running or assisting at sundry other charitable endeavors. Are Virgos then servant types? Do they grovel and need to give of themselves for the mere sake of giving? No. Not at all. Virgos are forever seeking to improve themselves. They always want to think that they are getting better and better, hence closer to that evasive goal of spiritual excellence.

If you fall in love with a Virgo person, prepare to be made better. No joke. As time passes, Virgos actually improve on their lovers and mates. They can take a diamond in the rough and scrub away at it until it glows like the Northern Lights. Virgos make devoted spouses and only occasionally stray from the straight and narrow - and even then they will protest that the devil made' em do it. Virgos get on best with conservative Taureans, quirky Geminis, ambitious Capricorns and even with adventurous Sagittarians and sweet-natured moody old Cancers.

Careers for Virgos are many and varied. They make fabulous teachers and capable school administrators and nurses and hospital workers because they are naturally talented for care giving. Virgos can also labor diligently at accounting and investing, and scientific research. They are also terrific at every sort of demanding job that requires discrimination, attention to detail and analysis of facts such as lawyering and doctoring and journalism and spying and even, believe it or not - human resources.

The Virgo is highly discriminating, but not necessarily as prudish at some might believe. In ancient times, a Virgin was a woman who was not the property of man, and therefore had the legal right to just say "no." Now, in modern times, you Virgos are known for your ability to be highly discriminating -- especially when it comes to matters of personal desire. When Virgo is ready, however, to say yes, the laser-like focus of your passion is anything but prudish.

You Virgos have the uncanny sense to see what's wrong with a person, a situation or your environment. It's why Virgo makes such natural critics. Virgo practical analytical abilities are second to none. Your mental process may not be the most creative, but Virgo's razor-like thinking is highly effective. Like the maiden pictured in the Virgo glyph, you separate the useful wheat from the unneeded chafe, the good from the bad. Virgo might be a "clean freak," but most Virgos have a messy closet somewhere or a disaster under their bed.

The Virgo motto could be "Perfect is almost good enough." On one hand, this trait makes you very employable, for you're not likely to do shabby work. On the other hand, you can be so finicky that you put limitations on your interactions and experiences before they happen. You'll be happier if you can learn to be selectively less critical, both of others and yourself.

Element: Earth
Earth signs are naturally practical. In this lifetime we are bound to Earth. There is no escaping the reality around us The Earth is about as real as it gets; it can be felt, weighed and it has substance. Accordingly, the earth signs base their life on what is real, not what is imagined. Sensation is valued over thoughts or feelings. Earth signs live with their feet on the ground. Others seek their advice because of their basic sensibility. For earth signs, seeing is believing.

The earth of Virgo is a changeable earth, light to the touch. It's about practical analysis -- using mental tools to discern the best use for what is around us.

Sixth House: Work
The Sixth House is about the regular performance of work-related tasks. This isn't necessarily about career. It's about the job you have that buys the bread for the table. This sector is also where we look to find out about health and healing, for it's not only work routine, but also our daily habits of hygiene.

Key Planet: Mercury
Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, moves around the Sun faster than any other planet. He symbolizes our thoughts -- not only how we think, but how we communicate. In fact, Mercury is in charge of all language. Mercury is our active and rational mind. It is not only "just the facts" but also what we do with them. As the key planet of Virgo, Mercury is about intellectual discrimination. It's the binary function of the neurons in our brain. They either fire and impulse or they don't. Mercury here is about the basic "yes" or "no" decision that must be made for every piece of information that enters our consciousness.

Virgo Greatest Strength: Your ability to focus your attention

Virgo Possible Weakness: Need for perfection gets in the way of enjoyment

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