Geminis out there, do you have trouble getting along with people in social setti!

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Answers: This is just a question.
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If it is true, Gemini doesn't really want to expose their vulnerable side and prefer to be the social, happy-faced side, but in doing that we might deny ourselves the true emotional/psychological gratification which comes from just being "real" and give in to a greater part of the self. So I think it's why we can come off as shallow, informatists. Some Gem will get on great in crowds and others are tuned into their darker side, which doesn't make either bad or difficult maybe... We just have a need to feel effectual over others like most, doing what ever it is that makes us feel like we belong.

Gemini really have a filter way in which we express our perceptions..feelings. I can relate to most generalisations about a Gemini, but I've never actually known a Gemini to typically feel socially outstanding. Yet in highschool, and college I was pretty well-liked and admired. I actually never quite understood what it was or why 'cause I like to keep my inner self hidden. Anywhere, besides unorganized, like, non-formal family functions are good but like being in a circus, you never really know what to expect.

I never am mad at other people. Everyone with me always gets along. Except my friends, which aren't geminis...

yes and do. geminis that are found in the preppy social social circle usually are more happier, becuase geminis are known for their friendlyness and perkiness. but with the "druggies", they are usaul not too fond of, because gemini are usually not depressing ppl. BUT gemini usaully succeed socially because of their gift og gab, and they can adapt to other peoples personalities. on the negative side, some find their loudness/perkinnes very annoying. (especailly capricorns/)

I think I fit some of the stereotype Gemini traits, I'm left-handed and I'm an artist. I've always loved art, ever since I can remember and then I was lucky enough to have a career in computer graphics. I'm generally very happy and like being around people but I'm also very happy being on my own. If I have too many commitments, it stresses me out and I'll change or cancel appointments so I have more time on my own. I can stress, at times about having a commitment to meet up with friends or something socially but once I get there, I'm fine and enjoy it. It use to bother me that I felt this way and I would force myself to become more involved. But as I've gotten older, I accept this as how I am and I'm much happier.

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