Sun in leo, moon in taurus and cancer rising.. what does this mean?!

Question: Sun - Leo
Moon - Taurus
Rising - Cancer

Other Info:
Mercury - Leo
Venus - Virgo
Mars - Leo

Answers: Sun - Leo
Moon - Taurus
Rising - Cancer

Other Info:
Mercury - Leo
Venus - Virgo
Mars - Leo

If you were to think of your Sun sign as your soul -- your inner personality and potential -- and your Moon sign as your heart -- your emotional core -- then you could say that your Rising sign is your physical self or the face mask you present to the world.

The sun (to integrate) in Leo (Impressive and Creative)

You wish to create a good impression, and are concerned about what others think (impressive). You are naturally creative and innovative. You are regally forceful in the way you approach your life (fire). You also have a tendency to act first and think later (fire), but you can resist this and avoid doing things purely on the spur of the moment (fixed). You are active and tend to do things because you want to do them, and you tend to be direct in the way you solve problems and deal with others (active), but this is mediated by your way of not wishing "to rock the boat" (fixed).

The Moon (to react to) in Taurus (Enduring and Possessive).

You tend to react to lasting and permanent (relatively) things in the past (passive). Your emotional expression is usually held back (fixed sign) by your practical nature (earth). Once you have formed a way of feeling about something, you may be reluctant or unable to change it (fixed). You are concerned about material security (earth) and may feel uneasy until you are secure. Many emotionally charged beliefs can come from the mother (Moon), yet you may persist with them through your life. Because you react to things in a possessive way, you may be jealous or envious.

Rising (Masked Personality) is Cancer (Instinctive and Protective)

You may be good at influencing people at the emotional level. You are a good organiser, particularly of the home (Cancer). You tend to respond according to your feelings rather than from emotional logic (instinctive, water). You are likely to be influenced by emotional appeals (water). You are good at thinking up new projects (cardinal) and at starting them, and your motive may be based on others, particularly the family (family) benefit rather than your own (passive). You withdraw from some situations, especially if they appear to involve conflict (crab).

Mercury (communicate) in Leo (Impressive and Creative)

You are an impressive communicator and perhaps artistic. You can be forceful in your communication (fire), and also because you are steady (fixed) you can succeed through persistence. You tend to be honest and straightforward in your communications (active).

Venus (to harmonise) in Virgo (Analytical and Critical)

You enjoy experiencing art (Venus) and paying close attention to details and pointing out any errors (Virgo) or lack of harmony (Venus). You may be highly skilled at making (Virgo) beautiful things. Even if others think you are beautiful or handsome, you may be highly self-critical and consider yourself unattractive (when you aren't). If asked about artwork, you will probably speak about it in a detail by detail way, evaluating each bit as good or bad (or inbetween). (Virgo, Venus). It is possible that the weighing and balancing of each detail (Virgo) and evaluating it (to value) bit by bit might interfere with artistic pleasure, and you might just not like art, or appreciate beauty (Venus in fall in Virgo).

Mars (to assert) in Leo (Impressive and Creative)

You have an impressive appearance and might sometimes appear aggressive (Mars). You have a very strong will (Leo and Mars) and you are persistent (fixed) in pursuing your goals. As a leader, you look upon those you lead a family member (family), so you could be paternalistic. You care what others think of you and you could show off sometimes (Leo, Mars). You are generous, extravagant (Leo) and may be impulsive (Mars). As a performer, you may be a tough guy or girl!

Love & Blessings

Sun in Leo means that you walk the path of the performer, the king/queen. You find vitality when you get lots of attention from others.

Moon in Taurus means you have the soul of the silent one, the musician. In order to feel content you need to have quiet time to reflect.

Cancer rising means you embody the face of the healer, the protector, the nurturing mother.

You are a performer with the soul of a builder, wearing the mask of the healer.

Mars in Leo means among other things that you like guys who are Leo sun or rising. Venus in Virgo means that the ideas of serving others and being detail oriented are important to your feminine identity.

ur are an egoist,
moody person and the last thing on ur mind ever will be marriage,
Taurus is a sign of the bulll and pl read the qualities of what a bull is like sexually it sis slow steady but a real bul in action

This blend produces a very strong personality for better or for worse. You have the capacity to see things in the large, with a good deal of practical idealism and a very fixed attitude.
Although prone to make errors in judgment, you are just as emphatic when you are wrong as when you are right. You can be stubborn and lack diplomacy. You can learn to hold your tongue, but it's difficult not to express you views with conviction.
You gets things done and usually very well. In all undertakings you have a good head for managing and controlling.

Cancer rising makes you sensitive, with love of sensations, active feelings and emotions. You are easily influenced by others whom you love and admire but apt to be cold and reserved to those you don't know. You are careful and cautious and firm and fond of home life.

Mercury in Leo gives firmness to the intellect. Once the plans are formed, you are ot liable to change them and will put great effort to carry them out.

Venus in Virgo can bring delays or hindrances in matters of the heart or some kind of incompatibility in marriage. You may be critical of those you are near and prefers to play safe in affairs of the heart. Emotions are deept but kept in check and fidelity is a must. You are true and capable of complete romantic involvement, but never with showy or demonstrative displays.

Mars in Leo gives much energy &,indenpendence. Tends to make you a little militant in manners and there may be social disputes in the family and too much impulsiveness or rashness in love matters because of this. You love being on "center stage". You are affectionate and physically demonstrative, and the man who attracts you also has to be and can show his affection in a physical way. You like men who admire and praise you. A fine face and beautiful body get your attention.
You are like a Princess who expects to be treated royally and courted by a handsome and powerful Prince. You enjoy the drama and excitement of a passionate affair, and the pride and need to dominate others, often sets up a degree of stubborn egotism. Excessive pride can be your pitfall.

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