Sag rising info PLeAsE?!

Question: Sun Taurus Ascendant Sagittarius
Moon Virgo
Mercury Gemini
Venus Gemini
Mars Taurus
Jupiter Libra
Saturn Libra
Uranus Scorpio
Neptune Sagittarius
Pluto Libra
Lilith Scorpio
Asc node Leo

any info? thanks...
i will choose best answer today.

Answers: Sun Taurus Ascendant Sagittarius
Moon Virgo
Mercury Gemini
Venus Gemini
Mars Taurus
Jupiter Libra
Saturn Libra
Uranus Scorpio
Neptune Sagittarius
Pluto Libra
Lilith Scorpio
Asc node Leo

any info? thanks...
i will choose best answer today.

This is a long one, but I enjoy this. So I'll try to keep each answer a little short, ok?

Sun Taurus & Rise Sag: this person is steadfast in their life. people can count on you. people think you're fun and friendly and want you to be around them because you make them feel stable too. you'll be a good mom. always there.

moon virgo: you think a lot about what you want to change about yourself. this can be good because you will never be too boring. this moon will help your sun along with changes. you will take to and like changes that bring betterment.

Mercury gemini: as you probably know, this is gemini's sign man! gems are talkative and this is their planet, so you are extremely talkative. but you also are very smart, and probably study things a lot, so you have good things to talk about and not just nonsense. this is good!

Venus gemini: you like a guy who will tell you how he feels and not keep it in. a guys who keeps things bottled up turns you off and you might think he's weak. you want a guy who is exciting and fun. you don't like guys who just want to sit around and watch movies all the time. sometimes you do, but not mostly.

Mars taurus: your sex life is VERY sensual. you will be a sensual and sexy lover who is not afraid to dominate her man. but you also like to be dominated and to feel like a lady. you like pretty lingerie and pretty pajamas. you don't like to wear pajamas that are color faded or wrinkled. you might also wear some jewelry to bed.

Jupiter libra: you are like by others because you don't hold grudges too much. you get mad, tell the person, yell at them maybe, and then you're done. you're the kind of person that realizes that life is too short than to stay mad at anyone too long.

Saturn libra: i'll refer you to the above answer for this one. you don't waste time being an a**hole. It's just not worth it for you.

Uranus scorp: you're not always up under your man. you go out for the day by yourself or with friends or family. you spend some time with him, and you distribute yourself evenly between all the people you love. when you do spend your time alone, you do a lot of thinking about life. what? i'm not sure, but you can be a deep thinker when alone.

Pluto libra: you are an even minded person, as we've seen in this whole reading so far. you don't do too much of anything and know when enough is enough. you are good at keeping your friends from doing stupid stuff too.

That's all darling, hope I helped.

Sun/Moon in earth sign gives a good deal of common sense.
You have much to offer but someone may have to spur you into action. Once the inertia of getting started is overcome, you can throw yourself into work with the greatest energy. You may be prone to complain about the way life is treating you. A little adversity is good for you and wakes you up so that you can become very conscientious on the job.
You love to read, and you can grasp and retain material that other may often overlook. Though you are stubborn and don't like to be told what to do, you are inclined to end up in a subordinate role simply because you aren't very aggressive.

Sagittarius rising, gives an open-minded and truthful person, one who loves freedom and independence. You love neatness, orderliness and fond of outdoor sports. You are somewhat fiery, a little blunt and abrupt but only when offended.

Mercury / Gemini makes you adaptable to almost any subject but liable to divide and scatter your energies by too much changes or tending to too many subjects at once. Your highly geared nervous system is unable to shut out external stimuli and you need lots of quiet and solitude to maintain sanity. You often spread yourself too thin and may lack the ability to follow through on projects you start and making decisions.

Venus in Gemini gives inconsistency in love and relations. It favours travelling for pleasure and this position refines the mind, giving you a sense of order and method. You like variety in your romantic and social life. You're curious about people and you want to be friends with everyone and generally maintain good relationships with siblings and neighbors.

Mars / Taurus gives firmness and once you decide on a certain course, nothing will change your mind.Their is a risk of jealousy in love affairs andcan meet with rivalry under bad asepcts. You're extremely possessive, jealous and stubborn, yet patient and persistent. Money is as easily earned as it is spent. You're temper is slow to arouse, but it's seldom easy to control.
By the same token, you prefer a "down-to-earth" and it may be important to you that he like animals or nature or "natural" things.
A man who can cook, cuddle, and care for your comfort interests you as well as an appreciation for fine food and music. You want a man who can touch and fondle - "a slow hand" who caresses, a teasing touch and even dominate you. You have a strong sensual drive and the man better be up to it also.

Jupiter/Libra gives many friends and gain some degree of prominence in your circle. Imagination, travels, taste for art, music are all indicated but under bad directions, it may cause inharmony in affairs, and show falseness, treachery or secrecy.

Saturn Libra is a fortunate position and favors matters conected with partnerships and you may even gain by them. Where justice is concern, it makes you exacting. Bad directions reverses friendships, causing oppositions.

Uranus Scorpio indicates one who may have great mechanical and scientific ingenuity. You believe in decisive action and can't tolerate laziness . You have strong occult tendencies, knowledge of the afterlife .

Neptune Sagittarius gives taste in music and art but is spiritually oriented. You have psychic sensitivity and a highly developed intuition. You're idealistic but must also learn practicality and common sense.

Pluto in Libra gives you have a well-developed sense of justice. Your adaptability allows you to clearly see all sides of an issue, but may leave you unable to decide which side you support.

Node in Leo gives you executive and leadership ability but this can become strong egocentric tendencies or even snobbishness or distaste, causing you to retreat from the world. You need to be independent to do a good job.

House positions would have been nice to discover the area where these energies operate.

Your rising sign can exert an influence almost as powerful as your Sun and Moon signs.
If you were to think of your Sun sign as your soul, your inner personality and potential
And your Moon sign as your heart, your emotional core
Then you could say that your Rising also know as a Ascendant sign is your physical self or the face mask you present to the world.

The sun (to integrate) in Taurus (Enduring and Possessive).

Like a heavy rock, you are hard to move, but once to start moving you are hard to stop (fixed). You tend to stick with what you have, being reluctant to change. You tend to accumulate wealth, etc (possessive). In your life, you tend to be practical (earth). Your thinking is usually down-to-earth (earth). You are a good listener and are slow to react. You may have a tendency to act because of others, rather than to be be self-caused (passive).

Rising Sign is in Sagittarius (Free and Tolerant)

Happy is how people see you. Doesn't matter if you're in a foul mood, you look for all the world to be the consummate optimist, the open, friendly adventurer typified by Sagittarius. On the other hand, Sagittarians are often restless and contentious; they bore easily and sometimes pick fights for the fun of it. You give an impression of such indifference that others may say some crazy, unexpected or even hurtful things to you, expecting their comments to roll right off your back! You can't help it -- you're just exuding that characteristic Archer cool.

The Moon (to react to) in Virgo (Analytical and Critical)

You can adapt (mutable) yourself emotionally as needed in dealing with people. You may not feel right unless you are involved in your work (Virgo). You can use your ability to separate emotions and facts (analytical), and your practical nature (earth) means you can deal effectively with emotional issues. You be sensitive (react to) criticism, and criticise emotionally, especially when you feel that others are not doing their bit.

Mercury (communicate) in Gemini (Versatile and Variable).

You are an excellent communicator! You can express yourself clearly and accurately. You can deal with a variety of projects and you are very versativel (Gemini, air). You have a good mind and speak what you think (active). You may travel a lot (Gemini).

Venus (to harmonise) in Gemini (Versatile and Variable).

You have many and various things you enjoy, although you might not enjoy any of them deeply. You are logical in that you notice relationships between different ideas. (Venus). You are also likely to rationalise your desires and pleasures (air). You think a lot about your relationships with people (air, Venus). You are a good communicator and might have a "golden tongue". You tend to judge things in relation to values rather than facts or details.

Mars (to assert) in Taurus (Enduring and Possessive).

On the positive side, you are persistent, when you get going (fixed, enduring) and on the negative side, you can hold a grudge. You are protective of what is yours (possessive) and you can be a strong defender, if you perceive a threat. You may be jealous. While you are assertive, you do take a while to get into action (earth) so when you get mad, everyone can see it coming (or there may be a period of quiet while you build up steam and others may be surprised at your anger after this delay). While you are protective of what is yours, you may be very easy going about yourself, and almost never take offence (passive). You may tire easily when emotionally active (Mars energy and earth)

Jupiter (to expand) in Libra (Diplomatic and Harmonious)

You believe in (Jupiter) fairness and balance. You have charisma (Libra) and can pursuade (Jupiter) beautifully and gracefully (Libra). You seek to understand interpersonal relationships, partnerships and harmony between people. You are concerned about justice, fair play You are thoughtful (air), and often take a while to respond because you need to weigh up the pros and cons first. You bring balance and harmony to others (cardinal Libra), but your own life may be less balanced (active sign). You feel safe and secure when you are dealing with interpersonal matters (Libra), perhaps involving fairness and justice, and you are most optimistic (Jupiter) in this area.

Saturn (to control) in Libra (Diplomatic and Harmonious)

You seek control in a diplomatic and harmonious way in relation to others, particularly in one-to-one relationships. You may make rules about your relationships, and feel guilty when they are broken, by you, or the other person. And you must have a partner in order to feel good. The fear of losing a partner may limit you. You can use partners simply for appearance without being deep or committed. You seek to continue relationships, however.

Uranus (to deviate) in Scorpio (Intense and Secretive)

While you are a thinker (Uranus) and appear to be somewhat detatched, you are extremely emotional (Scorpio, the water bearer). You might tend to hide the emotional part of you. You may be unconventional in the way you show your feelings. You may make drastic and sudden changes, which might also be fundamentally transforming. You might change yourself through discovering and eliminating deep and passionate emotions, or you might help others with this skill.

Neptune (to refine) in Sagittarius (Free and Tolerant)

You refine knowledge and philosophy (discussion and belief) in a free and tolerant manner. It may be you distil the essence of knowledge so it is mystical and uncertain. There may be a tendency to believe in a free manner, without using the critical facilities. You are very sensitive to matters related to freedom, especially in foreign lands and with foreign people. You are very tolerant, but this may be because you fail to see certain details and become entranced by your noble dreams of a better world. Yet, you do have a powerful ability to overcome these problems, and achieve a powerful solution.

Pluto (to transform) in Libra (Diplomatic and Harmonious)

You transform in a diplomatic and harmonious way, matters related to relationships with others and partners. You may be obsessed with fairness and justice as it relates to others and to marriage partners. Relationships must be perfect or they are nothing. (extremes). You deal with these matters intellectually and through communication (air). You are motivated by your values (Libra) and while you are normally diplomatic, there may be explosions of anger (Pluto) at what you consider unfair.

Lilith in SCORPIO (Intense and Secretive)

May let you be enticed by sexual attractions easily, whereby you subordinate yourself to a more powerful partner or in reverse, or it comes to a mutually making the most of power. In this position the danger exists that you don't recognize these powers at all, the own or those of the others. You have to deal with setbacks, accidents and symbolic as well as real deaths, although there are usually opportunities to avoid it before any danger appears. You are maybe addicted to dangers because you want to exceed borders. Possibly you had to make experiences with death in the childhood, but can see the death as an inevitable part of the life due to your large psychological regeneration ability now.

The North Node in Leo

Through previous incarnations the soul has acquired an overemphasis of energy in the area of over identification with the aspirations of peers and community. Motivated by a pressing need to feel a sense of belonging through being accepted by their peers, Leo North Node individuals have lost touch with their own individuality and creativity. In order to heal this energy imbalance of the soul, a critical lesson for these individuals is to learn to take on the challenge of expressing their individuality and actively pursuing their own dreams. This challenge can be facilitated by tuning into what brings them joy and being prepared to take the emotional risk of allowing this joy to motivate the creative process necessary to achieve their goals and dreams. Getting in touch with and expressing their inner child is beneficial to the healing process for Leo North Node individuals. Allowing their behaviour to be spontaneous, childlike, playful, adventurous, joyful will help them connect to the inner vitality which is necessary to spark the creative self expression needed to bring these individuals happiness in this lifetime. Cultivating a variety of interests and projects which are creative and enjoyable will also energize Leo North Node individuals and assist them in this key healing process. A critical lesson that needs to be learnt in this lifetime by Leo North Node individuals is to let go of past life behavioural patterns of detaching from emotional situations. A conscious attempt needs to be made by these individuals to become actively involved in emotional exchange - to relate to others in a more feeling oriented way by honestly communicating what is in their hearts rather than over reliance on impersonal, intellectual responses or total withdrawal from the emotional situation. Many events in this incarnation will provide Leo North Node individuals with the challenge of learning to find a comfortable point of balance between the energy polarities of creative self expression (Leo North Node) and creative collective expression (Aquarius South Node) so that a true sense of internal harmony can be attained by these individuals which will help to align them with their spiritual purpose and path.

Love & Blessings

I am a Sun in Taurus as well! But that is where our similarities stop. :D
Without knowing everything in your chart, I can just tell you about each one, although I'm sure you know some placements are going to be much weaker depending on what type of chart you have (funnel, see-saw, bowl, locomotive, etc.) with one or a few planets being the most important in your chart. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are generational by sign, so that means anyone born within that year frame has the same sign for those. They are specific to you by house position, so I won't go into those.

(I like to add this because there are slightly differing views on the ascendant sometimes)The point that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth is called the ASCENDANT, or rising sign. While the Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus, and the Moon your subconscious predisposition and past, the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces past, present, and future. It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the Sun, the Moon, and the rest of your birth chart. Everything is filtered through the Ascendant from an esoteric point of view. It indicates your soul's function and thus a key part of your destiny.
So you have Sagittarius rising modified by your Jupiter in Libra:
Faith, belief and the ability to foresee and envision the future or "what could be" are essential elements of your soul function. You may well be ahead of your time or at the fore front of coming trends and movements in the collective. You are a seeker, one who searches for the overview, the larger pattern, or a broad, over-arching philosophy of life - and also a teacher who conveys that vision or broadcasts it in some way. You have a sense of humor, are adventurous, and fun-loving.
Your Jupiter in Libra suggests that your role is to promote your ideals of harmony, peacemaking, cooperation, true friendship, and understanding between people. You may do this formally (through, say interpersonal mediation or international good will programs) or simply in your one-to-one interactions as you go through your daily life.
*Jupiter shows how we can put all those little facts together, how we get the big picture. Aries will do this fast. Libra tends to take time. It has to balance all the factors. Unless something else interferes, Jupiter in Libra feels secure and safe in partnership situations.
"The Moon in Virgo gives an emotional need to keep busy. It can also increase the chance of guilt feelings and make a person self critical. Dustin Hoffman is a perfect example of this. Although he is a Leo Sun-Sign, which tends towards extroversion and theatrics, his Virgo Moon made him so self-critical that when Mike Nichols called to tell him he was chosen for the lead in "The Graduate", the movie that made him a star, Hoffman tried to talk him out of it, claiming that he wasn’t right for the role!" You tend to gravitate towards taking care of all the little things, the details. You might be seen as someone who nags or is critical and complaining. But you really do enjoy the simple life, it's important for you to have a steady routine and a simply satisfying job! Not prone to gushy, emotional displays, you are more likely to show your love in small, practical ways. You can become very self critical, especially aware of the things you don't like about your body.
With Mercury in Gemini, this planet is at home. You are quick witted and a superior communicator! Be aware of being superficial in knowledge because of having so many interests you might not delve too deeply into any one subject, without certain aspects, this can be likely. Your mind reacts quickly and logically.
With Venus in Gemini, you probably would love a talker, I don't think you could fall for the silent type! Since Gemini likes variety, you may be the type to have more than one relationship at a time and possibly be in love with more than one person.
Mars in Taurus is a good placement for this planet. Generally calm and easygoing people, Mars in Taurus natives can have powerful tempers when they're overly provoked. They generally don't fly off the handle as quickly as others, however (unless Aries is prominent in their chart). Slow and steady is a good motto, you probably don't take on too much at once. You are probably quite sensual, though slow to arousal, once you get started you could go all night!
And finally, Saturn in Libra! Saturn is exalted in this placement like your Mercury in Gemini. Saturn in Libra needs a partner in order to feel safe and secure. But it doesn’t have to be a marriage partner, nor does it have to be permanent. They simply need someone around to help them knock around ideas. Since Saturn is also the planet of fear, this placement of Saturn can also give fears with respect to partners. Perhaps, for example, a fear of loosing them or of making a mistake and driving them away. With this placement you need to let go of competition and develop a habit of cooperativeness. If Saturn is afflicted you'll have difficult karma in relationships and marriage due to a lack of cooperation in past lives. In this case marriage will be a discipline for you, and love your path out.

This is just like a quick fix, I didn't put everything under the sun (wink) but then you would be reading all day long. Some parts are copy pasted, and some are my own words. I don't know how far you are into astrology so I didn't know exactly what you were looking for, I hope you find this interesting!

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