Scorpio sun Leo rising Leo moon? Please explain everything about me. Am i too fi!

Question: If you can be very much detailed in Life,work,society,love,friendship,feelin... and more will be very much appreciated.

Answers: If you can be very much detailed in Life,work,society,love,friendship,feelin... and more will be very much appreciated.

Okay, I'll try to help you with that...I have some astrology knowledge but I sure do not know everything. You're scorpio just like me =) Leo rising means that you have to develop the Leo qualities in some situations to be happy. Leo rising means that you fall into the Aquarius role pretty often. And Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Leo is pretty fixed which can be bad but good at the same time. And it always depends if you're on the curb to another sign or not...You totally want to have the control over things. You get what you want without any consequence.You're feared but respected by many people.
You're full of hope, joviality and cheerful. Your ego is hurted pretty easily. People only know hardly things about you because of your self control. To explain more about you I need your exact birth time. Moon and Sun stands for your Main Energy Source and feelings...Other aspects will give you the information about your life like the Medium Coeli etc. Love depends on what sign your Venus is in and so on :D

Hope I could help you a lil' with that...
Greets DINA

I dont think it makes your personality bad. Astrology should be more about self discovery and transformation if thats a route you choose to go. It shows your weaknesses and strengths. It also shows consequences and possible outcomes of using either of them. Everyone still has their own free will. Its up to you to use the information wisely once you discover it. Dont be so hard on yourself.

Your signs (Scorpio sun, Leo moon) indicate that you are a person who is very inquisitive, always looking for answers. Though to others you may appear self-assured, underneath, you can lack confidence, and often wonder about your own ability.

You are a very affectionate person but you hate to be tied down. The connection between romantic love and physical attraction is still a bit of a mystery to you, but others don't see this.

Study is sometimes easy, sometimes difficult. If something appears difficult to you, you will try to find excuses to put it off for a little while. You procrastinate often.

You like everything to be perfect, but can still be accepting if things are not quite as you would like. You like socialising with friends - indeed this is the thing you most like to do. Being with friends takes you out of yourself and gives you a sense of well-being.

The upcoming year will see a major problem concerning your finances. However, you can expect a new relationship (unexpected!) and a new job, with an exciting new challenge – related to the job - ahead.

Wow. are you strong. You are a contradiction, you want to be mysterious but you also want to be open and affectionate. You don't take no lightly, and you have an obsession with attention, you need to be needed and respected.Need people in your home but need privacy too.

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