Joke - what is three plus four?!


Joke - what is three plus four?

There was a little boy called Tricky, who had just learned to count on his fingers. One day his uncle came to visit and the boy was anxious to show off his newly acquired skill. He told the uncle to ask him an addition question. So the uncle asked, "What is three plus four?"

Little Tricky counted it out on his fingers and said, "Seven."

The uncle said, "Listen kid, you can't count it out on your hands because someday when you are in school a teacher will get mad at you for it. Now put your hands in your pockets."

So Little Tricky put his hands in his pockets and his uncle asked, "What is five plus five?"

The uncle saw movement in the boys pockets, then Little Tricky said.... "Eleven." :)

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4 days ago
'Evan' - am I bovered?

4 days ago
Evan, you're only 15 - you should be in bed.


who grassed?
i'm tricky with a small 't'
always have been.
ah that's not come out how i wanted it to sound.
so now i have to find a joke with 'piscesburd' in it.
yeah good luck tricky.
you not commented on my tricky visual gag from last night & what is the prob with evan?

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