Three women in a railway carriage...?!


Three women in a railway carriage...?

by coincidence all three had a packed lunch which contained a banana.

The first woman was a prostitute and she peeled her banana and licked all around the top of it before placing it in her mouth and moving her head up and down before eating it.

The second woman was a nun. She peeled the banana and laid it on her lap. Then she pulled out a little knife and chopped the banana into tiny pieces and ate then.

The third woman was a housewife. She peeled the banana and held it upright infront of her. She then put her hand round the back of her head and pulled her head down onto the banana.

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6 days ago
Sorry forgot to say...if you don't get it...don't respond.

6 days ago don't get it...that doesn't mean no one else gets it...just you. Ok ?



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