Tractor joke, STAR IF MADE YOU SMILE?!



a man loved tractors, he had a tractor bed, a tractor clock, a tractor everything.

one day he saw a sign up for a tractor farm competition. he was late so he ran across the village, then decided to take a shortcut, he climbed under a fence and ran across a field, he made it, won first prize.

Unfortunately a policeman saw him and fined him for trespassing on the field, he was fined. So now he hated tractors, he threw away everything tractor.

A few days later he was in the pub when the bartender started a conversation. he said "god i wish those smokers would smoke outside, so the man said would you give me 5 free drinks if i got rid of the smoke. sure! said the bartender, but its impossible, but, the man went over, breathed all the smoke in, went outside and blew it out again. the bartender said, blimey, how did you do that, the man answered, well, im a ex tractor fan!

read the last bit quickly, you will get it, please star it.

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1 week ago
PLEASE STAR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

1 week ago
to star there is a star at the bottom of the question or joke. press it

1 week ago
S Martypsnts, i agree


Ha ha ha.!!!
Extractor fan you say HA HA.!!!
Great one Diddy so 10/10.!!!
Playing with words is fun.!!!

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