Blonde man joke....give the blonde girls a break?!


Blonde man joke....give the blonde girls a break?

Two Blonde men were in the woods hunting. One looked at the other and said, "I've got to take a s**t."

The other said, "Well go behind one of those big trees, and s**t."

The first one said, "But I don't have any paper to wipe my ***." The other blonde replied, "You have a dollar, don't you?"

The first one said, "Yeah, I've got a dollar. That's a great idea-- I'll use that!"

He left and came back with s**t all over his hands and clothes.

His friend looked at him and asked, "What in the hell happened to you?"

The first one replied, "Have you ever tried to wipe your *** with 3 quarters, 2 dimes, and a nickel?"


gross but a little funny

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