


The new player from kickadingo was having his first game, but was not getting his fair share of kicks. the coach sent a runner out.
the coach said he will pull you off at half-time, said the runner.
'great!' said the country boy. you only get oranges at kickadingo.'

An australian gentleman is a man who gets out the bath to piss in the sink.

Why wasn't christ born in australia?
where would you find three wise men and a virgin

The coach of aussie footballers were travelling through dublin, when the guide announced, we are now passing the biggest pub in ireland
a voice called from the back of the bus, why?

What's the difference between an australianwedding and an australian funeral?
one less drunk at the funeral

Why do aussies put xxxx on a can of beer?
because they cant spell beer

Why do aussies wear shorts?
to keep their brains cool


Funny jokes Mr !!xx

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