Thjis is kinda racsial srry guys got it from naacp?!


Thjis is kinda racsial srry guys got it from naacp?

u callin me colored ? well when u rot u turn purple when u go to outter space without air u turn green when ur mad or sad u turn red and u callin me colored? a little girl read it fast thats just a little of it tho um this is from when the boycot started and um thats it i dont know the aurthor um so u like or wat its not realy funny its alright tho

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2 weeks ago
well i know its lame its just im bored

2 weeks ago
Lia see how many awnsers i got on all my qwestions u well let me see yo funny u l.d bunny

2 weeks ago
morzky tell thatto my little bro


hey gal...this is the correct version...a nice touching poem...

This poem was nominated the best poem for the year 2005, written by an african kid:

When I am born, I am black
When I grow up, I am black
When I go in sun, I am black
When I am scared I am black
and when I die I am still black
But you white fella
When you born, you are pink
When You grow up you are white
When you go in the sun you are red
When you are cold you are blue
When you are scared you are yellow
When you are sick you are green
When you die you are grey
And you call me coloured???

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