How do you correctly make a bacon sandwich?!


How do you correctly make a bacon sandwich?

First one to answer gets Teh POINTS!!!! Look on to find the answer!!!!


Of course, you cannot read about BACON, BACON products, and Hamification for so long without having the urge to devour vast quantities of it. Thus, I shall instruct you on how to make a delicious and extremely healthy fried BACON sandwich.

You see all this? It's not nearly enough BACON for your sandwich.Obtain an insanely large amount of BACON.
Fry the insanely large amount of BACON.
Obtain an even larger amount BACON.
Fry the even larger amount of BACON.
Obtain two slices of bread.
Fry the bread (make sure you fry both slices of bread instead of just frying one slice and forgetting about the other).
Place the fried insanely large amount of BACON on top of one of the fried bread slices.
Place the fried even larger amount of BACON on top.
Place a slice fried bread on top (important: don't use the same slice you put all the BACON on top of).
Fry the result.
Fry the result again for good measure.
Consume, taking small bites (so as not to choke), chewing, savoring the tasty flavor of the BACON sandwich, and swallowing.
Note: It is important you follow all these steps in their exact, listed order so that you can enjoy a wonderful meal of a BACON sandwich, as opposed to food poisoning.

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