Try this on people it really works.?!


Try this on people it really works.?

Go up to one of your friends or family members and tell them to say Fork 5 times. Then tell them to say Fort 10. Then tell them to say Fork 7 times. Then tell them to say Fort 8 times. And last tell them to say fort 5 more times. Then tell them What do you eat soup with?( "And most of the responds would be Fork. Which of course it's a spoon.") This worked on all my friends and family members go ahead and give it a try!


yeah i know that one but your version is way to long.....i just tell people to spell fort fast and then ask them really quickly what they eat cereal with and they say fork every time! the trick is to get them to answer fast without hesitation because they don't think about it and just say it.

i also know these ones:
spell spot and then ask "what do you do a green light"? and they say stop...
say silk 10 times fast....and then ask what do cows drink? and they say milk.....when they really don't drink milk, they make it and drink water.
say roast 10 times fast and then ask what do you cook in a toaster? and they say toast.....but really you cook bread and when it comes out it's toast.

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