The table-tennis ball in a jug riddle?!


The table-tennis ball in a jug riddle?

You are participating in a riddling contest where competitors move from table to table to try and solve all of the riddles presented to them. At each table is a contest judge, a tray of snacks, and a pitcher of water. You are at your final table. The riddle(this one looks more like a puzzle) you are given is this: at the table is a jug with a table tennis ball inside. You are to remove the ball without doing any of the following:
1.) You can only touch the jugs handle.
2.) You may not use any objects the judge does not provide you.
3.) The jug cannot be destroyed or moved from its spot.
How do you solve this?

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3 weeks ago
* Sorry I got muddled up. Change "without doing the following" to "while doing the following." Sorry :(


fill the jug with water and the ball will float to the top where you can get it

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