FUN RIDDLEs 4 U!!!?!



1. It took 6 men to dig 6 holes in 6 days. How long would it take for 1 man to dig 1/2 and hole?

2. You just committed a crime and the police are chasing you. They chase you into a building with 3 rooms. The 1st room was filled with flames, the 2nd was filled with people pointing guns at you, and the 3rd room is filled with very hungry lions and tigers that haven't eaten in 2 years. Which room do you choose?

3. You're leaving home and you take 3 lefts. You're heading home and you see 2 guys in masks. Who are they?

4. There's a rooster on the tip of your roof and it lays an egg. Which side does it roll off, to the left or to the right?

Answer these for me and who ever gets the most correct will be awarded best answer. Enjoy!!
Luv ~Totally Cool <3 :D


You can't dig half a hole.

The 3rd room since they would have died not eating for 2 years.

umpire and catcher

A rooster doesn't lay eggs.

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