An elderly man......?!


An elderly man......?

An elderly man finds hes unable to perform sexually. He goes to see a medicine man, who throws powder into a fire. Theres a flash with billowing smoke. "This is powerful healing but you can only use it once a year", the medicine man says. "All you have to do is say "one, two, three" and it shall rise for as long as you wish!"
"What happens when we`ve had enough?" the old man asks.
The medicine man replies: "When your partner can take no more sex, all she has to say is "one, two, three, four" and it will go down. But be warned - it will not rise again for another year".
The old gent rushes home, anxious to try out his new powers. That night, he cuddles up to his wife and says "one, two, three". Then he gets a giant erection.
His wife turns over and asks: "What did you say one, two, three, for!!!!??????

Answers: Very funny, actually made me laugh out loud. ahhhhhhhhhh
good one : ) cute LMAO Hee hee hee, if only it was that easy!! lol.
star 4 u
xx That has really cheered me up...thanks and have a star my friend. :) That was a very good original. I can actually see it happening. Too bad some one cannot institute it for real and get Georgie to do it?
Did you know that before George took over the Presidency he was at dinner in the White House and excused himself to use the bathroom. When he came back he told Laura that Bill Clinton had a gold toilet. Laura told Hillary what George said and was amazed. That night after the Bush's left and Bill and Hillary were getting ready for bed, Hillary looked at Bill and said ' Oh yeah, I found out who peed in your saxophone'. omg funny If only she had used "why" instead. They could still be at it. er . . . this medicine man?

Wouldn't have his mobile number, would you?

please? good one lol cute lol xx Haha :-)

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