Why did the cow cross the road?!


Why did the cow cross the road?

To see the sheep!

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1 day ago
I made this joke up when I was 3 years old, just wondered whether it still had the same twang. Obviously not....

Answers: 1 day ago
I made this joke up when I was 3 years old, just wondered whether it still had the same twang. Obviously not.... It didn't know the difference between the bull and the wool. You shoulda said to see the chicken

xD That wasn't funny.. Because he was stapled to the chicken. you shoulda said to get to the other side. that woulda been hillariuse!!LOL!!! the chicken was carrying the shopping and needed a hand???? Actually it was because he saw Christian O'Connell and he thought it would be a good idea if he sat on his stupid brick shaped head Not funny sorry but you need to get out more. No, it wasn't! The cow crossed the road.....to get to the udder side! wow... that wasnt funny at all Well done! ha ha!
How brave of you to think! Try again! BECAUSE IT WAS IN A McDONALDS BURGER. To get away from foot and mouth Don't really know what to say.

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