Who knows a good prank to play?!


Who knows a good prank to play?

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15 hours ago
and dont give me the saran wrap over toilet or rubber band around nozzle or put his hand in water when hes sleeping i want good original ones

15 hours ago
and something that is possible because im not gonna go buy pigs

Answers: 15 hours ago
and dont give me the saran wrap over toilet or rubber band around nozzle or put his hand in water when hes sleeping i want good original ones15 hours ago
and something that is possible because im not gonna go buy pigs http://www.wikihow.com/make-diet-coke-ex...

I intensively edited this page. Hope you like it as much as I did! Saran wrap over the toilet seat or tie a rubber band around the spray nozzle on the kitchen sink on who? Call someone like a telemarketing company and try to sell them their own product. :)) Oh act like you gots terretz... i enjoy sitting in a public bathroom stall and when someone sits down in the stall next door i begin moaning and kicking my legs then i squirt hand lotion under the stall on their shoes and run the heck out of there. lol, ok, a prank.....
it's not mine, i heard it from one of my friends.
ok, buy 3 pigs.
on the first pig, paint the number 1 on its side.
the second pig, paint number 2
and the third, paint number 4
and also, cover them in mud.
now set them loose in a public building of some sort.
all day, they're gonna be looking for 4 pigs, cuz they think number 3 is still on the loose.
lol, i'm gonna try to do that for my senior prank.
good luck. :P Run an ad in the local paper....."Free Chickens" and give the phone number of the prankee. Their phone won't stop ringing for days. But be careful, they'll want to get back at you if they find out it was you.

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