Joke what was the wifes name....A motorist was driving quietly along the road wh!


Joke what was the wifes name....A motorist was driving quietly along the road when,?

suddenly, his eyes goggled as, believe it or not, he espied a three-legged chook running beside him. It suddenly made a right hand turn, heading up a side track towards a nearby farm house. Intrigued, the motorist decided to follow the chook. At the end of the track, he met a farmer leaning on a gate.

The motorist said, "You probably won?t believe this, but I reckon I saw a three-legged chook running this way."

The farmer in response. "Yep, we breed them here."

"But why?" asked the motorist.

"Well, you see, I like a leg, my wife likes a leg, and me son likes a leg."

"And what do they taste like?"

"Dunno", replied the farmer, "No one can catch the little bastards."

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6 hours ago
did they win i missed it

6 hours ago
i take more notice of real football

Answers: 6 hours ago
did they win i missed it6 hours ago
i take more notice of real football Just thought I'd ask. I've never heard the word "chook" before this question. What is a chook? lol like the darn storm simple,,,cant they use net or gun? hehehe

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