Do u consider it ok for guys to pee in the sink???!


Do u consider it ok for guys to pee in the sink???

sometimes during concerts or polka dances, the rest room is full, i think guys must pee in the sinks the expidite the bathroom line..

Answers: urine is actually cleaner than tap water... it's an atiseptic and is warm...hmem... well here's what i think, sinks have P-traps which is a pipe under it where water gets retained preventing water from backing up... if u dont flush the urine with water, it would settle there and Stink! Droplets of urine on the counter or sink face might crystalize when they dry up creating nasy speckles.... and lastly, it's just nasty especially if u flick ur 'theng' to get rid of the excess pee.... Ok that is wierd but man if you gotta go you gotta go. If you pee in the sink u better clean it out. I think thats sooooo nasty! if you gotta go, you gotta go! WOW !!! Eh, it happened a lot in college. It's better than puking in the sink. UHH? NO! Eww thats sick. Pheeeewwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

Nasty, nasty, nasty!!!! no No way, and it's not funny. Yea, well ,I know a women that always pees in the puch bowl when she goes to a party, so ..yea, why not ?? OK, that is friggin disgusting. I would never do that and shun anyone who I found out that did. x.o; patience is a virtue. uncooth men may pee in the sink, but the real problem at concerts etc with the bathrooms is that they dont put enough womens restrooms in the places.

if takes longer for women to use the facilities, then add a little primping and youve got a line around the block. guys just go in whiz and they are done.

ive been a long supporter for twice as many womens restrooms in publice places like concert halls etc.... gross. i think it is fine


if i am at home my Wife don't like that junk at all!!!! Is that a joke or a riddle? You are in the wrong place and so is peeing in the sink. well if it's up for a vote then the No's definitely won. My vote is NO. Never is it o.k. Unless you have some kind of a bladder problem then you should be able to wait! Why bother with the sink? Just open the fridge. That's better than peeing in the trash can or lunch box or even mouths. hell yes!!!!!!! no you can but run the tap to rinse for common courtesy lol Yup I've taken a pee in a sink, not in a public bathroom, in my friends dorm when I was visiting him for the weekend.

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