Are blondes really as dumb as they say.?!

Question: Are blondes really as dumb as they say!.!?
There were three women, a Brunette, a Red Head, and a Blonde!. They all worked together at an office!.
Every day they noticed that their boss left work a little early!. So one day they met together and decided that today when the boss left, they would all leave early too!.
The boss left and so did they!. The Brunette went home and straight to bed so could get an early start the next morning!. The Red Head went home to get in a quick work out before her dinner date!. The Blonde went home and walked into the bedroom!. She opens the door slowly and saw her husband in bed with her boss, so she shut the door and left!.
The next day, the Brunette and the Red Head are talking about going home early again!. They ask the Blonde if she wants to leave early again!.
"No," she says, "yesterday I nearly got caught!"Www@Enter-QA@Com

i am a blonde haha sooo can u explain it lol sorry!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

very very very good!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

LMAO!!! This is totally hilarious!!Www@Enter-QA@Com


lol!.thats cute nowWww@Enter-QA@Com

thats stupid!.

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