In the movie The Godfather, why is Tom Higgins removed as counsiliary?!


In the movie The Godfather, why is Tom Higgins removed as counsiliary?

Micael explains to him that he doesn't want Tom involved in the big move to Las Vegas. He had discussed it with Don Corleoni and that they had come to the conclusion that Tom was to be removed, and that they had their reasons, but he never really says. Do the later movies explain those reasons? and what are they?


The above answers are correct, as far as they go.
The reason Tom was not a "wartime consigliere" is that his legal expertise was political manipulation. You will note in the series that after the move to Nevada, it is Tom who arranges the cover-up of the murdered prostitute scandal for the senator (helping win his support with the gaming commission), so he is still an important part of the Family's legal team.
But his expertise was blackmail, negotiation and contracts, not criminal defense, adversarial litigation (lawsuits) and other aspects of the [to use the movie lingo] "war".
Hope that helps.

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