How would I go about creating some kind of group for the actors in my movie to s!


How would I go about creating some kind of group for the actors in my movie to sign release forms to?

A group of friends of mine are in the process of making a movie and want to set up some type of group so that when they have the actors sign release papers to a group name rather then each individual member of the group. Basically what we want to to have them sign the rights over to "** Something** Studios" or the like rather then to "Name One, Name Two and so on." Thanks so much for any information anyone.

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
The actors would be releasing the right to reproduce, publish, sell, rent and so on their work


You'll probably want to talk to a lawyer about this, but what I think you want to do is to form a partnership (limited or otherwise) to form a production company. You'll have to come up with a partnership contract that details what each member of your partnership is responsible for and what each member can expect in return. And one clause will state that from this point forth you and your partners will be known collectively as "Such-and-Such Film Company." After that, the release forms and other contracts with cast or other employees can be filled with your production company's name as the umbrella name for you all.

Hope this helps!

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