X-Files: I Want to Believe showed everywhere when it opened. Now it is in few th!

Question: X-Files: I Want to Believe showed everywhere when it opened!. Now it is in few theaters!. What happened!?
It wasnt that great of a movie!. I wrote a full review of it on my blog if you want to check it out


I don't think it was as bad as so many people are saying it is!. Sure, it wasn't really about aliens, but unlike all the hardcore fans, I judged the movie on how good it was for a movie!. Not for an X-Files movie, but for a movie overall!. And I'd have to say it was pretty good, a couple minor flaws, but that's it!. 8!.5/10

Unfortunately for the studio, X-Files 2 bombed, so theaters rushed it out!. This is probably because the marketing was horrible, and not that many people are interested in the X-Files anymore!. Its a shame, it was SUCH a good show!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Everyone Thought It would be a good movie and you gotta admit the name is pretty outstanding!.

So this goes for the saying - '' Never Judge A Book By Its Cover''

Never Judge A Movie by its name in this case!.

The movie was not that bad, But its not one of those movies you would see in the theaters!.

Its the kind of movie i want to see at home when im bored !.


It is a movie that cause them to stop producing x files again!.!.!. because its really2 bad! imagine how long does it takes to produce another one like this coming one!? What about comparing it with Men in Black!? They did way more better and interesting!. A gd continuing film produce as fast as one per 1-2 years!.!.!. making sense now!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Not sure what you're talking about with the theater count!. It's still playing in 1,695 theaters across the U!.S!.

Many theaters have decreased the number of daily showings because the movie has under-performed!. So far, it has made only $19,000,000!.


my mom is a fan of X-files and she said it didn't make any sense at all it wasn't about aliens at all worst movie ever a total wasteWww@Enter-QA@Com

Bad Movies never stay long on cinema, and it was terrible!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Because movies that suck go the way of the Dinosaurs!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

it flopped, came out 10 years to late!. its a pitty but thats what happens when you make rubish movies!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

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