It's an animated movie of an elephant and he goes on an adventure. It's !

Question: It's an animated movie of an elephant and he goes on an adventure!. It's from the 90's or 80's i'm not sure!?
There's an elephant, and one day he decides to go on an adventure!. He walks out of his house and bird in a tree (that's wilting) talks to him!. He keeps walking and finds a baby pig that has wings!. He decides to help the piglet finds it mother and they keep going!. Then they find a scarecrow (I think), and he also joins them!. They end up in the woods where a black cat tells them to be careful or something and then vanishes and a gust of wind knocks them into different trees where doors open!. The piglet finds his mother in one of the trees in a cell!. The elephant, piglet, and scarecrow find each other and leave!. Somehow they end up in a whale that you climb down the blowhole and there's a hotel inside!. The woman who works in the whale lives under the sea!. Her husband is missing!. So, the elephant goes to find the man, and ends up on a pirate ship where the lady's husband is!. There's something to do with electric eels, then they eventually take the husband back to his wife and leave!. They end up in like a palace where the elephant is in a library and there's a big, wise bird in a cage!. The elephant accidentally knocks off a jar of liquid and the bird tells him to put some powder on it!. It turns into a pink, crystal heart (which I remember very clearly)!. Then he pockets it, they think it is the emperess's magic or something!. And she's been captured by some evil guy or something!. Anyway, the elephant ice skates at one point!. Eventually the emperess comes out in a garden and says that the crystal isn't the magic and instead has a thimble that has swirling colors in it!. And the evil is defeated and the elephant goes back home (using an umbrella, I believe) and hangs the crystal in the tree and it blooms!.

That is "Britt Allcroft's Magic Adventures of Mumfie"!. It came out in 1996!. Www@Enter-QA@Com


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