Whats up with all these fake rappers??!


Whats up with all these fake rappers??

kk whats up with all these fake rappers these days??
i mean everytime i hear a rap song now it seems like they're just making stuff up that rhymes
there not rapping about real stuff or anything like that..but back in the day it was real stuff about their life and stuff
now u got songs like AY BAY BAY and PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR
i mean wtf dude that aint real rap music
thats just sht that rhymes
real rap music is THE GAME and LIL WAYNE
what do yall think about these fake rappers and whos ur fav real rapper now

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1 week ago
lmfao bunny that was funny..party like a rockstar isnt rap LMFAO thats funny as hell

1 week ago
ooo and lil G UNIT wanna be girl down there I DONT LISTEN 2 THE DAYNM SHT
think b4 ya talk..i listen 2 the real rap


Ok this is whats really up its not that real rap is gone... Its jus that the music industry doesnt give a fuk about hiphop and all the care about is fatting there pockets... So they look at the records to see what type of music sells the most and it happens to be stupid hype songs that are making the most money...
So instead of lettign rappers have there own voice they are trying to amke everyone copy everyone else...
Thats why we have such horrible songs about material things...
Sadly hiphop is slowly disappearing
And i do think that these fake as rappers they cant even be consider MC cuz anyone can right a fukin Nursery Rhyme and put a beat wit it...
My fav real MC out right gots to be Joell Ortiz cuz the dude is real

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