For viet music listeners!!?!


For viet music listeners!!?

What's your favorite singer and why and your most favorite song.
Even though i'm a 17 year old and moved here seven years ago, i'm not a big fan of viet modern music. They tend to copy from other countries and once in a while i would be listening to a good modern viet song but then i found out that it wasn't viet. It's a dissappointment and since then i keep doubting myself for viet songs. I like Viet song from before the Vietnam war, because the lyrics is lovely and whenever i listen, i sensed the composer's soul in the song. I love the rhythm as well, slow and smooth, it's Viet style with a bit of blues and jazz in it, i guess because of foreign influence.
Enough said, my favorite artist is Bang Kieu and almost all of his songs.

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5 days ago
Me english and my vietnamese are about the same level or so so...I like songs from the 70s and 80s and i can understand most of it because even though speaking Vietnamese doesn't come quickly to me as when 7 years ago but i communicate with my parents with it and still can speak quite fluently.


You mean songs before the war started or before it was over? Songs written before the war started were in the 40's and called Nhạc Tiền Chiến (pre-war music). Songs in the 50's until 1975 are mostly about the war, notably songs by Trịnh Công Sơn, dubbed Vietnam's Bob Dylan. Modern songs, like you said, are usually copied, at least in styles, or translated from foreign songs. It's a surprise that you are so young and yet fond of the music of a bygone era. Personally I like those old songs too. My question is "Do you understand the songs?". You were only ten when moving here. If not keeping up, your Viet language skill must be rusted by now. Those old songs have depth and require good understanding of the language to appreciate the lyrics.

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