I'm 46 year old grandmother....?!


I'm 46 year old grandmother....?

do you think that Me wanting to learn to play acoustic bass guitar is crazy? How difficult do you think it will be.. I have never played an instrument, except playing keyboard by ear.. I don't even know how to read music..... btw..anyone know a good teacher. let me know ...sigh*


My mom is a 48 year old grandma of 4, soon to be 6! She just recently started taking lessons in photography, and loves it. We were talking one day a couple of months ago about how she gets tired of the same old routine, work, home, read, bed, work, home, watch tv, bed...with the exception of a few dates and family gatherings. I told her it's never too late to learn something new, find a new hobby. Pick up that guitar girl! 46 is far from old, and hell, even at 70 life should be fulfilling and full of learning new things, having new experiences!!! If learning the guitar is something you've always wanted to do, go for it! Life is too short and too precious to sit around asking if you should do something, but rather give yourself a swift kick in the rear and JUST DO IT! Being musical and coming from a musical family myself, I would suggest finding a music class in your area and start with the basics...learning how to read music. While you can play an instrument without that knowledge, you will learn so much faster with it. And will also be able to learn almost any intrument you choose. Good luck to you Grandma!

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