What should I expect at a Fall Out Boy concert?!


What should I expect at a Fall Out Boy concert?

I'm going to a Fall Out Boy concert. What should I wear (hair, jewelery, clothes)? And what should I expect?

Answers: lots of screaming teenies.
remember not wear a FOB t shirt.you'll look really stupid. you NEVER wear the shirt of the band you're going to see.
just wear something comfortable,you'll be standing for pretty much the duration of the concert (unless you get knocked down by a hyperactive 9 year old)
have fun :] Lots of crappy music. Wear a shirt that says "I'm a poser."

I'm kidding. But hoonestly, no one will be looking at you. Just be cool. Temperature wise. Concerts get effing hot.

No jewelry, no short skirts, no heels or shoes that come off your feet easily, no long jeans. Wear something that will keep you cool, and don't expect your hairstyle to keep long. Just wear it up. That depends--Do you have pit/floor seats?

If so, you should wear something comfortable. Like jeans, a t-shirt , and tennis shoes or converse. I would wear my hair down if I were you.

If you don't, then you can wear pretty much anything you'd like.

I'm going to a FOB concert on 10/24.
When are you going?

Have fun.

=] u should expect crappy music thats trying to sound like mcr. but never will. =D i love mcr!

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