Which version of the song "Land of confusion" do you prefer?!

Question: Genenis orginal version or Disturbed''s version. I prefer Genesis version. It has a better kick *** feel about it

Answers: Genenis orginal version or Disturbed''s version. I prefer Genesis version. It has a better kick *** feel about it

Disturbed's version seems like a piss take. They are one of the least talented bands out there, and not even slightly Metal.
Genesis' version is better for so many reasons. Phil Collins didn't start writing BS Disney music yet, so he was still respectable.
Back to Disturbed, it wouldn't disturb me one bit if someone drove them off a cliff.

Disturbed easily, although I am heavily biased as they are one of my favourite bands

Genisis i guss just because i hate Disturbed

Both are good. I usually like the original version of songs better but Disturbed version is just more powerful and has a little more feeling and emotion to it.

Genesis' version, obviously. Not only is Disturbed a clownish mallmetal joke, but they weren't even the first metal band to cover that version. In Flames beat 'em to it.

I like them both, I grew up mainly in the late 80's, but I remember loving the Genesis video back in the day! I think I'm going to have to go with Disturbed's though, just because it's updated and a bit more powerful

Genesis, without a doubt.

I prefer the original (Genesis) version more. I thought Disturbed did a great job with "Shout 2000" but didn't like the staccato feel in the guitars on "Land of Confusion."

Going with the original...Genesis

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