What do u think is harder for an anrtist?!

Question: to be an artist coming out on usigned hype trying to deliver a hot first album
to be an artist that came out huge to deliver a seocnd time around

Answers: to be an artist coming out on usigned hype trying to deliver a hot first album
to be an artist that came out huge to deliver a seocnd time around

I think its harder to delivery the second time around...The first time you give your all because youre hungry and have nothing to lose...So its more then likely turns out to be your best...Where as the second album comes around and you have to work on keeping your audience entertained and live up to the hype of your first if it was outstanding...Example Reasonable Doubts was classic and I kno for myself I was disappointed in the second album...because it strayed away from what made the first album a hit. Sophmore Jinx

the first

To be an artist coming out a first time because if they dont sell, they may not be eating good to long.

If you are coming around a second time, that pretty much means your debut was quite sucessful.

To come out the second time around is much harder because you have expectations....whereas when it is the first time around...you could just be a unsigned "HYPE".....

The first.

Your follow up album you will have more pressure on your back, BUT at least you have the luxury of a built in fan base. That means even if your album is just OK, it will still sell to your already established fans (cough cough 50 Cent).

Im going with a follow up

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