Hey guys need some help with a name of a band!?!

Question: ok ok so what we are is a worship band from a Christian school and we really can't come up with a catchy band name any creative ideas? And how should we get our band out there?

Answers: ok ok so what we are is a worship band from a Christian school and we really can't come up with a catchy band name any creative ideas? And how should we get our band out there?

how about

call yourselves fantasy island.lol

i come from a christian school

how about chaos of fire? or house of wolves..

Uhm, since you are a "Christian" band, let's try

Stephens (from the Bible)



John the Band (pretty obvious)

Cheers! Hope you get a nice catchy one!

Wish I could help you with the name...
As to getting out there, first you need to practice practice practice. Then, after you have a few good songs, and are confidant, start auditioning for gigs.

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