Would I get 'sucker-punched' in R&P > > >?!

Question: for saying I LIKE the bluegrass covers of AC/DC, Metallica, etc. that have been done by "Hayseed Dixie?
When first I heard them I thought "WTF!!!?", burt then came to recognize them as talented, different and FUN in an oddball sort of way.
YOUR thoughts???

Answers: for saying I LIKE the bluegrass covers of AC/DC, Metallica, etc. that have been done by "Hayseed Dixie?
When first I heard them I thought "WTF!!!?", burt then came to recognize them as talented, different and FUN in an oddball sort of way.
YOUR thoughts???

I just had a look at this cover of 'Ace of Spades'
and I'm pretty sure I actually watched that when it was broadcast - I think that was Glastonbury they were performing at.

I like bluegrass!
I knew my World Music collection was missing something...

Bluegrass covers are brilliant!
I'm a big fan of bluegrass anyway, so I listen to these albums all the time. You can listen to them for free here:

The Green Day album is pretty good. I like it better than the actual band. Honeywagon does the covers on that album.

I do like some blue grass. I even have some GOTHIC BLUEGRASS! LOL!!! I don't listen to much bluegrass, but I do find some of it to be touching and emotional. It can be very dark feeling. I was shocked to find out I could actually like it.

So no sucker punch from me!!!

EDIT: OOPS!!! I totally blanked on the actual question! I have not heard any of the blue grass covers. I have seen them though. I will have to check them out!

Not at all (at least not from me). I haven't heard it, but that sounds very cool.

man I listened to 30 second samples of bluegrass covers of AC/DC on itunes and I couldn't stand any of them, but hey, If you like it thats cool

Not at all. In fact I'll throw in more as here's a series of Hayseed Dixie live shows.


I've downloaded a few. They seriously sound as if they'd be a great live show.

Let's say that I really liked an AC/DC song. It's just a clever song, and I thought my dad might like the lyrics. The problem is, he can't get beyond the sound of AC/DC. He would hate the song just because it sounds like rock.

Bring on Hayseed Dixie! That band can even make my dad like a Guns n' Roses tune!

I think covers are a really important part of rock and pop music. For example, covers became a great way to choke down some Bob Dylan creations. And how about The White Stripes cover of "Jolene"? Brilliant!
And nobody does 2 Live Crew like Richard Cheese!

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