Forgot Martin Luther KiNg n Malcom X?!

Question: 95% of y'all r definitely on da wrong track that sometimes i wonder if y'all see where the world is headin! ever since these two legends, no one ever took over and the young generation has been mislead!

If I may ask
1. Who is ur role model?
2. How are u planning to make an impact on the world (eg development or intelligence of some kind)?

Answers: 95% of y'all r definitely on da wrong track that sometimes i wonder if y'all see where the world is headin! ever since these two legends, no one ever took over and the young generation has been mislead!

If I may ask
1. Who is ur role model?
2. How are u planning to make an impact on the world (eg development or intelligence of some kind)?

Me being a Black man in America, my father is my role model and always has been. He has raised me and my sister to be productive citzens, myself being a college graduate and my sister being a member of the armed forces.

I plan on impacting the world by teaching my two little girls that an education will get you to your dreams faster than a pipe dream of singing or sports. Me and my future wife both graduated from college and the importance of education and family and respect is what i plan on leaving the world with.

neither is my Role Model.

Are you trying to entice a race war?

This whole Place is f'd up, for whites, blacks, hispanics and asians... dont you get it.. its not about color anymore.. its about Freedom period...

Be your own role model... the very fact that you group MLK and Malcom X tells me you dont know your history very well.. .the two were complete contrasts of one another. One was for Equality, compassion and tolerance, the other was for militant take over and agression to achieve an agenda that was religiously based, much like what we seen in the Radical Islamic world today.

So unless you are going to go with MLK as your role model, then let it be assumed that you are militant and would like to see some sort of violent uprising... And when you get ready to do that, I will be ready too...... wiating for you.

Brandon B... Good for you man! We as Americans should take responsibility! Step up and change your world for the better, by changing your children... and teaching them that hard work and respect is the way to attian one's dreams!

We all bleed the same, we all have the same desires we all are getting the brunt of an f'ed up system. Its a class thing now days... "The haves and the have nots"... Rich or Poor... period.

I swear people come on hear and pull questions out of there asses. You are a prime example of it. The two people you are grouping together had to completly different views on what the world needed.

Do your research next time so you don't make an *** outta yourself.

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