Autograph Ideas??!

Question: I am going to the Angels and Airwaves concert tonight and I'm looking for a a unique item that can be signed by the band. Any ideas?

Any ideas for my girlfriend?


Answers: I am going to the Angels and Airwaves concert tonight and I'm looking for a a unique item that can be signed by the band. Any ideas?

Any ideas for my girlfriend?


have them sign your dental floss!! or maybe a toilet seat! beeeep!! good luck lillian! Have them sign your girlfriends hair.

actually ur ticket stub! it looks nice in a frame

I love AVA! I wouldn't get too fancy or creative. Just give them something to sign...that's what I do - I usually take the CD or CD booklet and let bands/singers sign them.

Perhaps a small poster that can be folded, that way you can frame it all cute and hang it up. Yeah, you're probably not into making it "cute" are you? LOL... I'm such a girl.

Don't get too fancy, get something lightweight, easy to cary, small, ect.

Maybe if you were to buy a poster/cd/tee shirt from the concert and have them sign it. But if you do a tee shirt you can't wash/wear it cause the autograph will sign out.

have fun!

ok a list of things ive gotten autographed might help lol:
Water bottle
or even a shoe lol

like i said im just trying to brainstorm for ya

Tom Morello and Dustin Kensrue both signed my Coors Light can after a show in Atlanta. Tom Morello told me that it was the strangest thing he had ever signed.

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