Fast Paced Country Song?!

Question: What's your favorite fast paced/ upbeat country song, and why?

Answers: What's your favorite fast paced/ upbeat country song, and why?

One favorite is, Adilida- George Strait

save a horse ride a cowboy - big & rich. Because it is FUN FUN FUN.

Grundy County Auction... you can get tongue tied on that sucker

Who shot Sam? by George Jones (It has the same tune as White Lightning, and it was the "B" side to white lightning on the 45)

This one changes all the time, but I have to say that I LOVE Brooks and Dunn's PLAY SOMETHING COUNTRY!!! What a fun song. My 7 year old rocks out to it all the time.

I also like T R O U B L E by Travis Tritt.

Brooks & Dunn - You can't take the country out of the girl. Just a good song to listen to. That and It's 5'o clock somewhere.

Travis Tritt - T.R.O.U.B.L.E. I just love it cause it's really great to listen too and fun to try to see if you can get the words out right even when you know them by heart!

honky tonk world-chris ledoux
the fireman-george strait

both fun songs to dance/sing along to.

"Better Life" by Keith Urban?
It's such a fun song and Keith just adds to the excitement. and i love how he can just add a banjo and it makes the song 10 times better?

Also i just love Brad Paisly's "The World"! Catchy, fun, cute song to sing along with?

Big and Rich LOUD!!!

honkeytonk badonkadonk luv the butts in that video wow.

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