In free-styling who is better?!

Question: who you think is better in free-styling wayne or cassidy
i say cassidy but lyrically hes okay but when it comes to free-styling he hard but wayne just got punch lines to me he okay to but i like cassidy better

Answers: who you think is better in free-styling wayne or cassidy
i say cassidy but lyrically hes okay but when it comes to free-styling he hard but wayne just got punch lines to me he okay to but i like cassidy better

I would have to go with cassidy. Mainly cause I'm from Philly and we need to stick together. LOL nah I just don't think Lil Wayne is a lyrical artist. Lil Wayne maybe able to give you a hotter single but cassidy started his career free styling and battling.

cassidy, because lil wayne got his flow from gillie da kid.

i would say cassidy cuz lil wayne rhymes to much with the same word



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