Guitar amps...playing with a drummer?!

Question: Guitar amps!.!.!.playing with a drummer!?
Me and my friends aren't really in a "band" but we get together every once in a while and just jam!. we play songs that we all know parts too!. My friend that also plays guitar has a 150 watt line 6 spider 3!. and then we play with another guy who plays the drums!. So i need a new amp!. becuase mine isn't loud enough to really be heard!. I have a crappy fender amp i got in a starter kit with my fender squir!. i have a new guitar but not an amp!.

so i need an amp!. but i dont know how many watts it sould be!. My friends line 6 amp rarely gets over level 4 volume wise!. so would a 65 watt amp be good!. or should i go with a 120 or something!. I just need to be heard while playing next to the drummer and other guitarist!.

thanks a lot!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

i got a 60w roland cube60 amp and its loud enough for the drumsWww@Enter-QA@Com

Some of your problem can be solved if your drum damps his set a little!. And it's a mistake to put the amp right by the drummer!. With an 80 or more watt output, a drummer who's making an effort can find a level where it works!.!.!. but you should play around with speaker placement!.

If your drummer just wants to bang, maybe you need to talk to him about dynamics!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

go with a 100 watt Marshall and make your drummer cryWww@Enter-QA@Com

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