Wierd voice question?!

Question: Wierd voice question!?
Ok, some days, when I'm singing, I can hit really high notes, and it sounds pretty dang-good, if I do say so myself!. Then the next day, I can't get close to hitting them!. My voice just dissapears!
Some days I have a hard time even hitting lower notes!.!.!.
I haven't taken singing lessons, cos I can't afford them yet!. This is just my singing!.!.!. For meWww@Enter-QA@Com

This could be caused by lots of things!.
1!. Food that you have eaten!. Milk makes you voice sound gluggy and makes it much harder to hit high notes, while acidic fruit juices will clear your throat and give you a nice flexible clear sound!.
2!. Damage to vocal chords!. As you have never had any training this probably isnt something you would often think about!. When someone sings incorrectly or pushes their voice too far (which may be what you're doing with your really high notes) it can very easily tear the vocal chords!. Vocal chords will heal easily and quickly, but each tiome you do this it will leave a scar, if there are too many scars the vocal chords will be unable to heal and this will result in a lump!. These are called throat nodules and need to be surgically removed!. If you ever feel a sting in your throat, or even if you just have a sore throat, stop singing and be more careful!.
3!. Warming up!. You're voice will become more flexible after you have been singing for a while!. If you try and jump right in to singing high notes you probably wouldn't sould very good!. also singing takes a lot more effort in the first few hours after you wake up!.
You should learn some vocal warm-ups and exercises that you can do each day to help develop your voice and just be careful not to push it too hard, untrained voices (of any age, but particularly younger ages) are very fragile!.
Good luck with your singing!! :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

Usually, when this happens it means you've damages your singing chords, but they aren't ever permanent, they only last for a day or so!. That is probably why, but if you practice your high notes (or low notes) every other day, this shouldn't happen!. If it does happen, it just means you need to extend the time you rest your voice!.
Sometimes, it may not evern have to do with that though, it can be two other reasons!. One: If you're under the age of seventeen, it's possible that your voice hasn't matured yet so it's hard on your vocal chords when you try and sing notes either too high or too low for your voice to handle!. Once your voice matures, it'll become clear whether or not you're able to hit the high or low notes!. Some people are able to before their voice matures, some after, and some just never are able to!. Two: Your voice can't hit the high or low notes to start with, but this is rare, because even though a lot of people think you either can sing or can't, it's not necessarily true!. Every body is capable of singing, some naturally and some need some guidance in 'controlling' their vocal chords!.

Hope this is helpful!.
&good luck with your singing :]Www@Enter-QA@Com

With practice, and age, your voice will improve!. I don't know how much you practice, but I would think that if you practice for an hour every day, you will build up your vocal chords so that you will gain more control over your voice!. I never used to hit the high notes every time I tried!. I was like you, hitting them only at certain times!. But, with age, and lots of practice, I've gotten much better at hitting the notes I need to!. Make sure you've got a bottle of water when you practice!. After singing for an hour, you can expell up to a quart of water, which dries out your vocal chords and can cause you to put stress on them!. Just keep practicing!. It will happen!. <*)))><Www@Enter-QA@Com

Sleep can effect how well your vocals perform for the day!.
If you get alot and you snore your throat could clog more and be harder to raise those vocals!.
if you get a little you may not get enough vocals because you body is working hard to keep your other parts moving!.
if you get a happy medium then you will be alright!.

What can help is gargalling in the morning and before you actually sing to help passage through the throat!.

I have heard that you can actually tire out your voice, so maybe when that happens take a break for a few hours!.

:) good luck!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

yeah that happens!. someone said on here that as long as you sing it improves your voiceWww@Enter-QA@Com

i dont know but my voice does that also!.
maybe it just takes days off =)Www@Enter-QA@Com

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