Practice Drum Pad?!

Question: Practice Drum Pad!?
Any drummers out there know how to make your own drum pad from stuff around the house!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

my drum teacher would tell me to practice on a book or magazine, but i bought a drum pad they are pretty pricey but well worth the buy!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Well I can't say drum pad really, but if you mean that you are looking for something that goes on the drums, i would say just a blanket over it should do the trick (toms & cymbals) for the snare try a paper towl or something so that you still get the rythem!. If you mean that you do not have a drumset and just want to drum on something around the house!.!.!.dry a desk and just any hard objects that have the ability to rebound!. If you are creative, then you can pretty much get a good beat on anything!!!
I hope this helps :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

You might have to buy something like gasket material from a hardware store but, then you could use some good glue and wood laying around!. You might want to purchase one though!. That would give you a good angle and such!. I had one that my dad bought me, and he told me not to break the sticks!. I broke one right away, and the whole thing got stuffed in the closet, so he wouldn't find out!. He never did!. I know you didn't ask but, thought I'd tell the story!. Don't break your sticks!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

i really recommend buying one!. the purpose is for a soft noise not to annoy anyone that will replicate a snare head!. whatever it is, make sure the stick can bounce off it, so it's a hard or tight surface!. tables work fine but they are too loud!. maybe a hard kind of foam or something!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I think If you turn a big cooking pot upside down!. You can drum with two woodspoons on it!. (I did it when I was young!. My parents didnt like it that much) I hope yours will like it!. Good luckWww@Enter-QA@Com

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