Does this sound reasonable?!

Question: Does this sound reasonable!?
Okay!. Fist off I would like you pretend that we are 7 years ahead and I am a professional guitarist! I use a cheap Dean evo xm because I believe it is better than most of the other guitars out there and because I have had it for 8 years and am attached to it!. I love the style more than all the other guitars! I go for the style because I can upgrade a guitar to whatever I want!. My Dean evo xm will have strat pickups and maybe a Dean ML headstock/Neck!. but I will always keep the body of the guitar because I am attached!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

that's totally reasonable!.
if you are in love with the guitar you play you shouldn't change it for anything!. especially if that's the guitar you became famous with!.

i play guitar too and i still have the first guitar i ever owned, it was the guitar i learned to play on!. and i know i wouldn't give it up for anything!.!.!.not even a gibson custom shop!Www@Enter-QA@Com

yup, i will never let go of my 400 dollar schecter, that guitar made me the player i am now, ive had it for 5 years and its still my number one axeWww@Enter-QA@Com

yup its personal choice or a matter of budget

remember paul mccartney had a really crappy bass for a while and used a $175 epiphone to perform "Yesterday" on t!.v!., and your guitar sounds alright

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