What most irritates you about the RHH section?!

Question: What most irritates you about the RHH section!?
"What Are Good Songs!?"
There are a lot of good songs!.

"I hate rap"
Then why did you come here!?

"I hate Soulja Boy/Lil Wayne"
Okay cool!.

"I love Soulja Boy/Lil Wayne"
Okay cool!.

"yO DaWGG I TyPe LeIk DizZS Cuzz iM hArDxC0rE"

"Who's the best rapper alive!?"
There is none!.

"Stans", both pro-stans and anti-stans!.

"What are some good songs by _______"

and then the answer is "______ sucks, listen to _______"!.

Oh, and "Rate My Lyrics"!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Everyone that likes to come in to RHH and talk smack on rap!.
Everyone that wants someone to rate they're lyrics!.
People who ask what a good song is by they're favorite rapper!. If they're your favorite you should know good songs!.
And everyone who wants to hate on this rapper or that one!. They makin millions someones gotta like em!. Right!? If i could make garbage songs i sure as hell would make bad songs for millions of dollars!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

all the lil wayne questions and the "who is better!.!.!.!.!." and all the other questions that get asked 400 times everyday!. like "who is the greatest of all time" because people allways get mad over somebody stating their opinion!.

EDIT:: i hate people like the dushe above me ^^^^^^Www@Enter-QA@Com

wayne stans and people coming on here dissing rap music

The scientist: I'm probably the youngest reg!. I turned 14 August 23!. Do you have a problem with me!?

*Edit : I used to hate the check'm questions!. They wouldn't stop coming!.

*Edit: LMAO! Thumbs up!

The people who always have to come in here and rip on rap for no reason!.

Edit: LMAO, DiEb is Medium Dave above you!? I can't tell because I gave him a thumbs down and he moved to the bottom of my page!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

all the "what are the newest rap songs"
any variation of that question!.!.

all the people that come here saying stuff like

"Rap isn't music! Its a bunch of idiots talking about b*tches and money!! Waaaah" blah blah!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

it irritates me to see pointless questions like this one but hey they're easy points thanks Www@Enter-QA@Com

All the stans!.

All the people that are always "Butt hurt" about everything!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

This is my 1st time on this section really!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Everyone below the age of 14Www@Enter-QA@Com

i hate how repetitive it can be at times!.

also Charlie Check'mWww@Enter-QA@Com

The questions, the answers, and the users!.

Quite like the music, hate the rigidly-enforced 'culture' that surrounds it!.

EDIT: person below me - that would be 'douche'!. You are a prime example of why your hip-hop 'culture' is utterly contemptible!.

Why, in order to enjoy the music, must one wear appauling tracksuits, with one leg rolled up to the knee, and affect a faux-American drawl!?

EDIT II: I think you summed up both these points with the (mis-spelled) phrase - 'unbeleivibly wack'!.

WTF is 'wack'!? Learn some proper words!.

EDIT III: Oooh, can I add, from the above,

"what about some members who front like they know about Hip-Hop but actually have no clue"

This is utterly, utterly ridiculous!. How can you possibly write this down, without realising it makes you looks like a fake, a wannabe!. They 'front', do they!? Which obviously means they have 'no clue'!. No clue about what!? Either they like the music, or they don't - it's that simple!. Not everyone has to be a teeny-weeny pathetic little gangsta just to fit in with your moronic, preconceived notions of how a true believer should act!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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