Subterranean Homesick Blues or Folsom Prison Blues?!

Question: Subterranean Homesick Blues or Folsom Prison Blues!?
Wow, now that is an interesting question!.

Dylan vs Cash!.

Just to play devils advocate, I've got to go with Dylan on this one!. Subterranean Homesick Blues it is for me!.

But I love Folsom Prison Blues too!.

With all due respect to Mr!. Dylan, I'll take Folsom Prison Blues for a couple of reasons: it's a blues song!. It deals with reality, not lyrics left to subjective interpretation!. Folsom is a working class song, not a bohemian song!. This being the blues section, I'll take the blues song!.

Martin, at the time of Dylan's song, the founder of the Last Poets was in prison for refusing military service!. They met and formed later!.

Right, the Last Poets formed in 1969 and the Watts Prophets in 1967!. I was lucky to meet and hear Prophets member Richard Dedeaux perform when he returned home to Mississippi!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Folsom Prison Blues is a fine song, but I'll go with Dylan!.

He was at the top of his game at the time!. The song reflects, perhaps more than any other, his many influences!. From the French symbolist poets to Lord Buckley, The Last Poets to Woody Guthrie, Chuck Berry to Jack Kerouac!. They're all in there!. Several (probably more) bands got their names from the lines in this song (as did the Weathermen, but that probably isn't a compliment)

Now if you had said "I Still Miss Someone" instead of Folsom Prison, I might have chosen Johnny ;) Www@Enter-QA@Com

they are so different it is difficult to compare them!. it is johnny cash announcing his presence as an artist vs!. bob dylan announcing his love of allen ginsberg!. I'll go with dylan!. simply because while folsom prison blues is powerful, there had been songs like it before hand!. there was nothing like subterranean homesick blues when it came out!. a true landmark of a recording that changed what people were doing with lyrics!. and i love the dont look back music video for subterranean homesick blues which actual features a cameo from allen ginsberg!.

edit: what!.!.!. someone actually talking about the last poets!? i tried to talk about them in the rap and hip hop section before and got a lot of thumbs down!. but anyway, melting media is right, they hadnt formed yet in 65!. although we could add langston hughes in their place!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

In terms of 'blues genre' - I'll go with Folsom!.

In terms of better song for reaching the audience it is intended for - I'll go Subterranean!.

Both good tunes, though!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Folsom Prison- added bonus it's being sung to the very people for whom it was written!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Folsom Prison hands down!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

shb dylan is really good but so is johnny Www@Enter-QA@Com

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