Can you guess these six songs?!

Question: Can you guess these six songs!?
Here's lyrics to six songs, tell me he title and the original artist that did it!.

1!. "I'm being chased by the sins of my past and it's killing me now!."

2!. "We hate to interrupt but its against the law to jump off this bridge!.
You'll just have to kill yourself somewhere else!."

3!. "I didnt ask for sunshine and I got World War Three!."

4!. "A song gonna lose my way tomorrow, gonna give away my car!."

5!. The oats theyre feeding me are driving me wild!.
I feel unhappy like a new born child!."

6!. "Your mother made a monster, now get the hell out of my house!."


1!. The Illusion of Power - Black Sabbath
2!. Soup Is Good Food - Dead Kennedy's
3!. Holidays In The Sun - Sex Pistols
4!. Songs For Jeffrey - Jethro Tull
5!. Inside Looking Out - Grand Funk Railroad
6!. Caught In A Mosh - AnthraxWww@Enter-QA@Com

I'd be really psyched if I could know the answers to these and I must admit that your questions' cool!. However I have a sneaking suspicion I don't like or listen to this type of music!. Is it heavy metal!?!? I don't stand a chance then lol!.

Starred you anyway!.


Sry I'm perfectly happy with being alive so I don't listen to that music!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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