What Would You Send To Your Music Heroes? ?!

Question: What Would You Send To Your Music Heroes!? !?
Came across this article on Yahoo! & I Had to ask!.


Y'gotta assume that already have everything so it'd be tough to be original!. :)

& what might you send to Miley & the JBs!?


I wouldn't send em anything! They should be sending *me* stuff!! :P


I'd send my Jazz bass to Geddy so he could sign it and mail it back to me!.!.!.!.does this count!? :D

And to Miley & the JBs I'd send this :)


I'd send Peter Dolving a pair of Adidas shoes because he went a whole year wearing the same pair of Adidas shoes!.!.!.!.and then gave them away in a contest lol!.

I would send the JBs a bunch of pornos because that's all they're gettin' for many years to come!.
Miley, I'd probably send her a phone without a camera!. Those camera phones seem to get her in a lot of trouble!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Damon Albarn! I dunno what I would send him, probably some weird instrument!. If I can find one he can't play!.!. he's a musical genius!. Or I would send him a cellphone with my number in it and ask him to call me!. HAHA!.

Miley & the JBs!? I dunno, probably a purse for miley and cologne for the JBs!. I'm not gonna be mean and say "nothing" or "a box of rotten cheese"!.


Hmm!.!.!.I'd send Pete Townshend bandaids because he cuts up his fingers when playing!.

To the JBs--nose plugs!.!.!.their next movie requires it!

Do they ship to rock n roll heaven!?
Most of my rock heroes aren't still alive :/
Well I'd send them some CD's, so they could see what music today is like!. Hopefully they wouldn't be too disappointed!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'd send a blunt to Roger Waters, and tell him to just !.!. mellow out!.

I'd send a Bob Dylan CD to Miley and JB's and show 'em real talent!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I would send Miley and the "JBs" a Montely Crue CD so they could hear some real musicWww@Enter-QA@Com

I would send myself because then I could be like "SURPRISE"Www@Enter-QA@Com

I would send Kurt Cobain a giant chocolate cake and jump out of it!. SURPRISE!
-Katie :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

A joint to Jerry G!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'd cut my ear off and send it to Chris Cornell!. That's not too van Gogh is it!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Geddy LeeWww@Enter-QA@Com

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