Are we in a musical dark age?!

Question: Are we in a musical dark age!?
If anyone took history we know that the dark ages was a time of sadness and depression, people just wanted to survive and didnt care about the world (kinda like modern rap)!.!.!.!.

Then the renessaince came and we were "reborn" so one important thing we did was go back to how we did things before this "age"!.

Is this kinda like what most of us are doing!? Listing to old bands because they are soo awsome and instead of progressing!?

And to sum up this long question (lol)!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Should we make music like in the 60's-90's OR focus more into the future of music!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

No I don't think so!. I think the mainstream is!. I would've love to live in the 80's when heavy metal came out into the mainstream(sorta)!.

With my music I listen to(metal) we are definitly not in a dark age!. There are tons of bands right now they have great potential to be amazing bands!. But then again we are plagued with Jonas Brothers, poppy rock, and 'gangsta' rap!. So all in all we could be considered a dark age!.


Well, I have to agree with you!. I personally haven't heard any music from the last few years that makes Carrie light up!. (hahaha)
I listen to older bands!. I think though, that instead of making music from the 60's-90's, we should focus on the future of music while being inspired by the bands of the past!. Music needs to be made by selfless musicians, people who give it their all!. Music that I hear now is void, depressing (even though most of it is 'upbeat'), and noise pollution!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Well like any aspect in life, the only way to improve is to move forward!. If we were to revert back to past styles then when people decide they want something new, we'd be right back in this situation again!. I say focusing on the future of music would allow for totally original ideas, which could change the music industry in a drastic way, for the better of course!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Nope, there are plenty of good metal bands around: power metal, speed metal, melodic/death metal, industrial metal, progressive metal, etc!.

Normal rock has basically gone down the drain though!. It's almost impossible for me to find any of it that is good!.

The future of music is more important than the past, but we shouldn't forget the roots!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

you're a tool!.

just because you think music today sucks, doesnt mean people with a level head do!. maybe you're stuck in the dark ages (which by the way had nothing to do with being depressed, much like your face) but the rest of us arent!. get over yourself and your eltist "ooh boy im cool, the newest song on my ipod is from 1975"Www@Enter-QA@Com

my theory is that every 20 years or so music gets good again!.!.!. if you look at music over the past half-century, popular music sucked in the 50's and 60's, but then was amazing in late 60's / early 70's, then sucked again through the 80's but then became good again in the early/mid 90's; by that pattern its been sucking again since the late 90's and we've got another decade until its good again!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Personally for me, this is a great time to be a music fan!. I like really heavy underground stuff, and there's oodles of it!. I think it's great!. All the other decades had cool stuff too, but I'm happy here and now!.

Something will come around to catch your attention soon enough!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

Having music sorted with entertainment versus having it under arts and humanities is pretty telling about the shape music is in and the way it is perceived by the general public!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Stop listening to the frickin' radio!. There's such a ridiculous variety of music out there, how could any generalization possibly be true!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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