I need some suggestions on a song to play....?!

Question: I need some suggestions on a song to play!.!.!.!.!?
I have a thing for this girl that I am good friends with!. Sometimes when we are hanging out, I'll play some songs on my guitar and sing for her or whoever else is with us!. I need some suggestions on a song or two to learn to play before I ask her out!. The songs should be relatively simple and easily adapted to guitar!. Nice songs with a gentle sound and not too crazy of a vocal part!. I know I'm asking alot but any assistance would be great!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

no, nothing by anything named jonas!.
try these i learned them they are easy:
question by old 97's
i will fallow you into the dark [if you cant get the plucking, just strum the chords] by death cab for cutie
i wanna know your plans by say anythign
plea by say anything
Shesgotstyle by Nevershotnever
the only song by sherwood
swing life away by rise agains!.

all i can think of that might work in that situation ;]

Try Glycerine by Bush!. It's a bit heavy in the song, but the chords sound great when done lightly!. Chords are F, C, D, and Bbsus2, or you could just do regular Bb!. Try it out, its a great song, and i love the opening lines especially!. "it must be your skin/ i'm sinking in/ it must be for real/ cause now i can feel!."
alright good luck, peace!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Find a song with her name in it dude , she will love you!.

What is her nameWww@Enter-QA@Com

how about u sing jonas brother songs if she likes them or maybe even Hannah Montana!. GAG some people like her too!. I do but only some songs not the actual her!. She's too barbie doll type!. lolWww@Enter-QA@Com

you should sing I gotta find you by joe jonas!.!.!. well if you like the jonas brosWww@Enter-QA@Com

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