Does love ever end?!


Does love ever end?

Does love ever end
When two hearts have torn away?
Or does it go on
And beat strong anyway?

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5 hours ago
thank you Iceman!

5 hours ago
Do you love me now?

Answers: 5 hours ago
thank you Iceman!5 hours ago
Do you love me now? No love never ends
When both hearts are torn away
And it does go on
And keeps beating strong anyway. um, yes? It never ends. Sometimes it changes but it's always there. True love doesn't end even if apart Unfortunately, yes. it depends on the reason why you parted Nope, it just relocates. Well, although my heart has been shot to death, it's not my loves fault. She helps my heart heal, and I love her... when you walk in on her and one of your friends, Yes Yes it ends...especially when he's with another woman and treats you like crap anyway! Yeah it can end, very abruptly! a mom's love never ends

relationship love does end as soon as i pull out. i believe the heart will go on no, even when you die, your soul still loves. If it does,it wasn't love. NEVER


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