Canuck Query, Eh? #7?!


Canuck Query, Eh? #7?

We all have friends. Would you do almost anything for your friends? Are you that close?

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11 hours ago
Would you take a bullet for your friends? Yes, I would for a select group. They know who they are!

11 hours ago
Friend - Acquaintance or Family?

11 hours ago

Answers: 11 hours ago
Would you take a bullet for your friends? Yes, I would for a select group. They know who they are!11 hours ago
Friend - Acquaintance or Family?11 hours ago
LONG LIVE THE WOLF PACK!!!!!!! There is nothing I wouldn't do for my closest of friends - NOTHING Source(s):
Support your local All Important Question Of The Day
and Completely Ridiculous Question Of The Day, Just Wondering, Pop Quiz, Random Question Of The Day and Canuck Query, Eh Friend=closer than family. Friends can be chosen, after all. i dont really give a crap about my family
but my friends do mean a lot to me
and yeah, there are like, 3 that i would take a bullet for.
i love them that much I would do anything for my close friends and family! You can do and say what you want about me, but do not mess with people I care about!

My motto is "If I like you I will do anything for you, If I don't, you better stay away from me!"

I'm not a mean person, but I will stand up for what I believe in! A bullet, knife, evil spell, whatever. You know I would.

love ya babe
hugs Yes, I would do anything. For about 4 or 5 of them Yes, my friends are important.

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